Orange: the gold of winter

Orange is one of the most popular fruits in the world due to its aromatic flavor, but mainly for the significant benefits it offers to our body. It belongs to the citrus family and we enjoy it either whole or as a juice. It is the most natural and tasty way to shield our body.

A large orange covers the 100% of our daily vitamin C needs. Additionally to vitamin C, it is also rich in other beneficial ingredients such as sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflamine and other B complex vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc vitamins, while its high water content (87%) makes it extremely moisturizing.


Per serving of 100 grams, an orange has only 47 calories and provides 2.4 grams of fiber, which help fight constipation and protect against ulcer.

The high content of vitamin C, acts as an antioxidant that protects our body cells from free radical damage, while stimulating the production of white blood cells in our body, thus improving our immune system. Concurrently thiamine, known as vitamin B1, helps in good functioning of the nervous system, contributes to good mood and activates metabolism.

Folic acid, known as vitamin B9, helps in proper brain development, and is also an essential nutrient for healthy sperm, protecting it from genetic damage that can cause problems. While potassium, is necessary to control blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to studies, the consumption of oranges protects our body by preventing cancer and boosting the defense of our body.

In parallel, it is beneficial to all bronchial and asthmatic conditions, as well as in cases of weakness. It is considered a tonic for the heart while stimulating the blood circulation. It is a valuable ally for the prevention against the kidney stone and diabetes, while reducing the levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure.